Cherine Hamam, 55

Cherine Hamam, 55 150 150 Shoshana

I first met Cherine on May 8th, which happened to be International Women’s Day. What a beautiful way to start this blog series dedicated to women. We opened up our conversation by talking about women. She says that “that’s something that’s always been with me, the importance or women in society”.

During our chat, we spoke a lot about her life that has been very much determined by herself. Raised by loving, supportive parents who immigrated to Canada with her at age 2, her mother instilled values of independence from a very young age. Cherine witnessed her running a successful business, and that inspired her to believe she could do that too.

Surrounded by strong women, she has learned to never feel that her life depended on anyone but her. She never felt that being part of a couple was essential to her happiness. She was able to make her own happiness. Always being open to being in a relationship and having a family but never meeting the right person, she decided to take her life in her own hands and become a mother independently. At the age of 38 she become a mother to a little boy and has happily raised him on her own into manhood.

Now that her son is growing up and not needing her as much, Cherine is able to focus on herself. As she said, “it’s no longer first and foremost about my kid, it’s about my life now”. At the age of 46, she went back to school to study Osteopathy and is now busy building her practice ( and focusing especially on helping women feel their best.

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